Radson Development specializes in sustainable low-income housing, middle-income rentals, and mixed-use development projects. The Radson team includes experts in finance, development, public policy and urban planning. Through years of experience, Radson’s team has a proven track record of successfully engaging with institutional lenders and investors, while negotiating complex financial structures. With a focus on affordable housing and public-private partnerships, our team has gained the confidence of local officials and public agencies. Since 2016, Radson Development has successfully rezoned or are currently rezoning five properties across three New York City boroughs, through the city’s ULURP process.
Our multidisciplinary approach is what sets us apart, we coordinate all phases of a new project, from site selection to assessing development constraints and identifying financing opportunities. With our long-established relationships with local organizations and non-profits, we believe that we are more than real estate developers but believe in the importance of investing in the neighborhoods where we own property.